Uzumaki Naruto

Sage Mode

Naruto VS Sasuke

Siapa yang Terkuat?

Uchiha Sasuke

Mangekyou Sharingan


Rabu, 15 April 2015

The Story Of Naruto Shippuden Last Part III

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The Story Of Naruto Shippuden Last Part III

The First Page

#Terimaksih untuk 15 tahun ini…!! Chapter terakhir, Color

#Semuanya dimulai dari sini…

 Scene berada di Akademi Ninja Konoha

Pengajar: “Pelajaran hari ini berakhir lebih cepat, jadilah anak baik serta langsung pulang ke rumah. Karena…”

Alur Cerita Naruto 700

Anak Baju Biru: “Aburame-sensei, sampai jumpa!!”

(Serta ternyata pengajar Akademi yang kelihatan asing itu adalah Shino Aburame)

Anak Rambut Kuning: (teriak) “Yes, akhirnya selesai. Hey kalian…!” (melihat kebawah)


(Murid berambut kuning itu tak lain adalah Boruto, anaknya Naruto)

Anak Rambut Kuning: “Hari ini aku akan melakukan aksi jahil yang hebat lho! Siapa yang mau ikut?”

Alur Cerita Naruto 700

(Sementara itu ada salah satu teman wanitanya memakai Baju Pink berambut Hitam serta berkacamata terus memandanginya)

(Disamping itu ada satu anak yang mengucir rambutnya keatas berbicara memperingatkan si anak berambut kuning itu)

Anak Mirip Shikamaru: “Bolt, kau bodoh ya? Pertemuan 5 Kage hari ini akan diselenggarakan di desa kita, serta akan ada banyak penjaga!”

(Anak berambut kuning itu tak lain adalah Bolt, yang kita tahu adalah anaknya Naruto)

Bolt: “Justru itu! Shinobi sejati itu bisa melakukan aksi jahil tanpa harus diketahui oleh mereka! Kau juga harus ikut Shikadai!“

(Serta si kucir itu bernama Shikadai, anaknya Shikamaru)


(Ada juga salah satu anak lagi yang berkulit putih serta berambut pirang, mirip Sai)

Anak Mirip Sai: “Itu tidak baik lho, ibu bilang kita bertiga InoShikaChou harus belajar sekarang.”

(Anak perempuan mirip Sai sudah kita ketahui bernama Inojin)

(Lalu ada anak perempuan item gendut berambut coklat)

Anak Gendut: “Ahh, maaf, aku tak bisa ikut. Aku mau pergi dengan Anko-sensei hari ini..”

Anko: (gendut) “Chouchou, hari ini kita akan pergi ke toko Dango, lalu makan Anmitsu nama permen) ya..”

(Anak Gendut itu bernama Chouchou yang tak lain adalah anak Chouji)

Chouchou: “Baiklah Anko-sensei..”

(Chouchou terlihat mulai pergi meninggalkan kelas)

Inojin: (teriak) “Hei, tunggu kau gendut!”

Chouchou: “Ada apa? Daaahhhh…” (terus berlari)

Bolt: “Kalau begitu tidak ada latihan hari ini, kau ikut saja Inojin.”

Shikadai: “Tipuan serta Latihan itu dua-duanya membosankan..”

Inojin: (mengeluh) “Ufff….”


 Latar beralih ke tempat Pemakaman

(Terlihat batu nisan yang bertuliskan Neji Hyuga serta seorang anak kecil yang meletakkan beberapa tangkai bunga Matahari ke makam Neji itu bersama dengan Hinata)

Anak Hinata: “Ibu, apa ibu pikir paman akan senang?”

Hinata: “Tentu saja, karena namamu sama dengan nama bunga yang kamu berikan..”

(Bahasa Jepangnya Bunga Matahari adalah Himawari)

Himawari: “Hehe, lain kali aku ingin ke sini bersama kakak..”

 Scene beralih ke Hutan

Lee: “3405!!”

(terlihat Lee sedang berlatih bersama putranya, berjalan dengan tangan sementara kedua kakinya diangkat ke atas)

Lee: (teriak) “Jiwa muda!!”

Anaknya: (teriak) “Jiwa muda!!”


 Scene beralih ke toko peralatan Ninja

(Sementara di tokonya, Tenten sendirian)

Tenten: “Huft.. aku tak bisa menjual banyak senjata, belakangan ini dunia terlalu damai/sepi..”

(Di toko itu, Tenten juga memajang dua senjata Rikudo yang ia dapat saat perang. Tapi tentu saja, sepertinya senjata itu bukan untuk dijual)

 Scene beralih ke jalanan Konoha

(Di jalan, tampak Bolt kesal)

Bolt: “Huh, akhirnya tak ada yang mau ikut, dasar pengecut semuanya!!”

(Diam-diam, gadis berkacamata yang sejak di kelas mengawasinya ternyata mengendap di belakang Bolt)

Gadis Berkacamata: (mengintip) “…”

Shikadai: “Ibu, aku pulang.. bilang pada bibi Ino kalau perutku sudah kelaparan..”


 Scene pindah ke Rumah Temari

Shikadai: “Eh?” (kaget)

(Shikadai kaget karena di ruang tamu tampak ada Gaara)Gaara: “Selamat datang..”

Shikadai: “Paman Gaara? Paman mampir?”

Temari: “Shikadai, beri salam yang sopan..”

Shikadai: (masih di pintu) “Iyaa.. paman Kankurou dimana?”

(Kankuro yang memakai jaket dengan penutup kepala tiba-tiba saja muncul)

Kankurou: “Gaara, kita sudah harus pergi..”

 Scene pindah ke tempat Kiba

(Lalu di sisi Kiba, ia tampak sedang bersama dengan gadis pasangannya, gadis yang suka memelihara kucing. Rumahnya penuh dengan kucing serta anjing-anjing Kiba)

Kiba: “Begitulah…”


Kiba: “Seperti itulah.. Hokage ketujuh berhenti.. atas keinginannya sendiri.. Orang bilang gagak yang pintar itu menyembunyikan cakarnya, yah.. Shinobi yang hebat menyembunyikan taringnya, bukan begitu, Akamaru?”

Akamaru: (sudah tua) “…” (diam saja)

Istri Kiba: “Hee..”

 Scene pindah ke tempat latihan InoShikaChou

(Tampak Ino bersama suaminya, Sai. Lalu Chouji serta istrinya, kunoichi dari Kumogakure, yaitu Karui. Ino kelihatan marah karena anak mereka tidak datang-datang)

Ino: “Mereka telat..”

PAGE 8Sai: “Yah, hari ini Shikamaru pergi mengawal Hokage ketujuh..”

Ino: (bete) “Kenapa dia harus melakukan itu..”Karui: “Kita tak perlu mengajari mereka teknik kombinasi, kan? Ini bukan seperti zaman dulu lagi, anak-anak kita bukan tipe yang seperti itu.. iya kan sayang?”

Chouji: “Hmm, tapi kau tahu kan..”

Ino: “Karui-san, boleh aku bilang sesuatu? Ini itu teknik rahasia turun temurun keluarga kami, mungkin menurutmu ini sepele, tapi ini..”

(Ternyata Inojin bersembunyi tak jauh dari sana, ia takut untuk memperlihatkan diri)

Inojin: “Sudah kuduga, ibu marah-marah, aku tak bisa muncul kalau hanya seorang diri..”

Naruto Chapter 700 -


 Scene pindah ke tempat Kurenai

(Seorang anak berseragam Chuunin memberi salam pada foto ayahnya <Asuma> yang sudah meninggal)

Putra Asuma: “Ayah, aku pergi dulu..”

Kurenai: “Kau akan telat, harusnya kau ikut rombongan Hokage ketujuh kan hari ini?”

Putra Asuma: “Tidak.. hari ini aku ingin pergi bersama pendahulunya, jadi tak perlu datang awal..”

Naruto Chapter 700 -

Kurenai: “Maksudmu Kakashi?”

Putra Asuma: “Dan Gai-san! Aku akan pergi selama 2-3 hari..”


(Di sisi Kakashi, ia sedang berkunjung ke tempat Gai, yang duduk di kursi roda)

Gai: “Kakashi, apa tak apa kalau kau tak bersamanya?”

Naruto Chapter 700 -

Kakashi: “Yah, dia itu penerus yang hebat, senior tak sepantasnya mengganggu.. Aku sudah berhenti menjadi Hokage, aku ingin pergi menempuh perjalanan untuk bernostalgia.. bagaimana denganmu?”

Gai: “Hah, apa kau ingat alasan awal kenapa kita bertarung? Itu..”

(Kemudia mereka melanjutkan obrolan cerita)

 Scene pindah ke petemuan Gokage lawas

(Jauh dari desa Konoha, di desa Iwagakure, pertemuan mantan kage juga sedang berlangsung. Para kage di era Tsunade)

Oonoki: “Maaf, karena susah bergerak, kita jadi tak bisa melaksanakan pertemuan mantan lima kage dengan baik..”

A: “Kau makin lemah saja, Oonoki..”Tsunade: “Yah, ini cuma pertemuan sederhana untuk minum-minum serta saling mengeluh..”

Mizukage: “Huff, aku akan mengeluh masalah kekurang baikan laki-laki lagi..”

Naruto Chapter 700 -


Oonoki: “Hohoho.. apa Kirigakure masih sama seperti yang dulu?”

Tsunade: “Yaah.. waktu berjalan begitu cepat..”

 Scene pindah ke air terjun

(Dibawah air terjun tampak Bee yang sedang melakukan meditasi)Bee: “Sekali-kali aku ingin bertemu Naruto, menghabiskan semua waktuku di sini bukan gayaku sama sekali.. “

Gyuuki: (dalam Bee) “Dia ada di posisi yang sibuk saat ini, dia tidak sedang bermain-primary sepertimu..”

Naruto Chapter 700 -

 Scene pindah ke ruangan Hokage

(Di ruangan itu, tampak pria berambut kuning sedang mengutak-atik laptopnya, disampingnya juga ada bungkus ramen instan yang sudah kosong)


Asisten Hokage: “Bukankah sekarang waktunya?”

Shikamaru: “Ayo pergi, aku menerima informasi kalau orang-orang dari desa lain sudah ada di sini..”

Hokage: “Hmm..”

(Dua orang, pria serta wanita tiba-tiba saja masuk ke ruangan itu)

Wanita: “Hokage ketujuh!!”

Pria: “Ada masalah!!”

Alur Cerita Naruto 700

Shikamaru: “Ada apa? Udon, Moegi? Kami akan segera melakukan pertemuan, kita bicara nanti saja..”

(Kedua orang itu tak lain adalah Udon serta Moegi <aduh jadi laper baca kata Udon. ^_^>)Udon: “Kita tak bisa menunjukan ini ke desa lain!!”

Hokage: “Huh, kurasa..”

(Hokage berambut kuning itu sudah mengiranya)


Hokage: “Bolt berulah, kan?”

 Scene pindah ke Patung para Hokage)

(Yah, ternyata aksi jahil yang Bolt maksud itu adalah mencorat-coret patung Hokage. Patung para Hokage kini sudah penuh dengan goresan catnya.)

Alur Cerita Naruto 700

Bolt: (gelantungan habis mengecat) “Nenek tua bodoh sialan, aku benci Hokage!! Hehe! [Ayah akan segera datang..]”


(Benar, ketika Bolt hendak melemparkan shuriken, ayahnya muncul di hadapannya secepat kilat.)Hokage Naruto: “Sudah cukup, Bolt!!”

Bolt: “Ah..”

Alur Cerita Naruto 700

Bolt: “Ini tak adil, ayah menggunakan Shunshin no Jutsu!!”

Naruto: “Diam kau.. (menjitak kepala anaknya) Ayah akan melaksanakan pertemuan yang penting, kau segera bereskan ini semua oke..”

Bolt: “…” (cemberut)

PAGE 15Bolt: “Kalau begitu, bantu aku membersihkannya..”

Alur Cerita Naruto 700

(Sementara itu di bawah, para warga melihat, di antaranya tampak Konohamaru)

Konohamaru: “Aah, Bolt lagi ya? Kenapa dia melakukannya di hari yang penting begini?”

Iruka: (tua, dibelakang) “Jangan marah begitu, ayahnya selalu sibuk, dia ingin mencari cara supaya ayahnya memperhatikan dia..”Konohamaru: “Kau itu selalu baik padanya, Iruka-san..”

Iruka: “Suatu hari dia pasti mengerti juga, kita harus bersabar. Kau itu seorang Jounin kan, Konohamaru..”

Alur Cerita Naruto 700


(Naruto menarik anaknya yang tergantung dengan tali itu ke puncak patung, lalu memberinya penjelasan di atas sana.)

Naruto: (sambil jongkok) “Bolt, sekarang ayah menganggap semua orang di desa ini sebagai keluarga. Terkadang, ayah tak bisa hanya menjadi ayahmu saja..”

(Naruto mengelus kepala Bolt)

Naruto: “Aku tahu ini sulit untukmu, tapi kau harus berusaha untuk bersabar. Kau itu seorang shinobi, kan?”

Alur Cerita Naruto 700

Iruka: (see above). "..."


SFX: Tapp!

(Naruto together with his boy lower towards the bottom)

Konohamaru Bolt: "Hey, I saw the shuriken at the disposal of kirimu 4g iphone!! That which you have no idea what your dad's job, huh!? "

Bolt: "so why do you come aboard, Konohamaru-sensei!?"

Konomaharu: (clicked) "exactly what do you mean!?"

(In Naruto's heart was reminded of history)

Naruto: "[Konohamaru.. you are doing exactly the same using the Third Hokage statue at. .. well..] "

Naruto story 700

(Whilst doing the work in lack of knowledge, bespectacled girl earlier also still quietly watching Bolt. Following the incident, the lady was came back.)


 The scene moved into House Sakura

Glasses girl: "I am home.".

Sakura: "Oh, Hello salada.."

(It works out the kid was her daughter Sakura)

Salada: "Mother ..." guy that's really stupid.. "

Sakura: "What Exactly Is It? Bolt again?? "

The story of Naruto Uzumaki-700

Salada: "But ..." mom understood.. really a. .. He's similar to me.. " (the face area of evil)

Sakura: "when it is associated with Father, it is Shanaroo!"


 The scene moved into forest

(While however, his father, Sasuke, he felt something. Sasuke braced together with his sword, however it works out there's no nothing.)

Sasuke: "[Just my feelings only?]" (cont ')

Naruto Chapter 700-VersiTeks


(Return aside of Naruto, he finally reached the meeting.)

Naruto: "sorry telat.."

(The present kage has showed up ahead of time)

The story of Naruto Uzumaki-700

Tsuchikage Kurotsuchi: "I have come completely here, but you are residing in this village even late.."

Sasuke's won 1 Chojurou: "Yes, Fundamental.."

Raikage Darui: "don't work hard at it so, we all know as soon as it's busy, kage so pardon him."

Kazekage Gaara: "had an adequate amount of the bottom-basinya. Let us start its. .. Hokage. ".


(The Hokage opens his hat, nampaklah with PD seventh Hokage, Naruto Shikamaru having a companion alongside it)

The Story Of Naruto Shippuden Last Part III

Naruto: "well, I am likely to start meeting 5 kage this!!"

The story of Naruto Uzumaki-700

#Di village in which the leaves danced and smoldering!!

(See Kurama sleeping very sleeping while salivating)


(Not so long ago there is a Fox tail with 9. Fox was sealed right into a boy plus they stayed together)

(New emerging Disaster, the juubi rose and raging. However the male together with Fox 9 tails and aided all Shinobi effectively menyegelnya)

(The boy who befriends a Fox tail 9 it had been the boy from the 4th Hokage who's now known to because the seventh Hokage...)


The Story Of Naruto Shippuden Last Part II

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The Story Of Naruto Shippuden Last Part II

PAGE 8Sai: "well, today Shikamaru to visit escort the seventh Hokage.".

INO: (bĂȘte) "why did he need to do it.."Karui: "We don't have to train them technique combination, right? It isn't such as the past any longer, our kids aren't the kind who choose it. .. Yeah right sweetheart? "

Chouji: "Hmm, but long. .."

INO: "Karui-san, may I only say something? Could it be hereditary secret techniques in our family, maybe do you consider this really is trivial, however this is. .. "

(It works out Inojin is hiding not not even close to there, he was afraid to exhibit yourself)

Inojin: "it's kuduga, mom of irritated, I possibly could not have access to emerged if perhaps alone.".

Naruto Chapter


 Scene gone to live in where Kurenai

(A uniformed children greet Chuunin at his father's <Asuma> Photo deceased)

Asuma's boy: "Father, I am going first.."

Kurenai: "you'll be late, in the event you join categories of the seventh Hokage right today?"

Asuma's Boy: "No. Today I took it together with his predecessor, so you don't need to get home. ".

Naruto Chapter

Kurenai: "You Mean Kakashi?"

Asuma's boy: "and also the Gai-san! I'd choose 2-three days. "

Page 10

(Along the side of Kakashi, he was going to to Gai, who sitting inside a motorized wheel chair)

GAI: "Kakashi, what's let's say you are avoid him?"

Naruto Chapter

Kakashi: "well, he's an excellent successor, senior shouldn't interfere. .. I have stopped becoming Hokage, I took it an outing to nostalgia. .. How's it going? "

GAI: "Huh, that which you recall the initial reason we fight? It.. "

(They continue a chat story)

 The scene moved into old Gokage petemuan

(Not even close to the village of Konoha, within the village of Iwagakure, meeting an old kage is also going ahead. The kage within the era of Tsunade)

Oonoki: "sorry, but due to the tough moves, therefore we couldn't perform former five kage Summit correctly.".

A: "you are just weak, makin Oonoki.."Tsunade: "well, it is simply an easy meeting for drinks and complain."

Sasuke's won 1: "Huff, I'll complain problems kekurang erection, male again.."

Naruto Chapter


Oonoki: Hohoho. ". What's still identical to the Kirigakure first? "

Tsunade: "Well ..." time is running so quick. ".

 The scene moved in to the waterfalls

(Underneath the waterfall looks the Bee who's doing meditation)Bee: "Surely I wish to meet Naruto, investing my time here's not gayaku whatsoever.."

Gyuuki: (Bee) "she's ready that's busy right now, he isn't being performed as if you..Inch

Naruto Chapter

 The scene moved in to the room Hokage

(For the reason that room, it seems yellow-haired guy was fine-tuning using their laptops, you will find also looked in conclusion the moment ramen has already been empty)


The Hokage's Assistant: "is not the time?"

Shikamaru: "leave, I receive information if individuals from other towns already here.."

Hokage: "Hmm.".

(A couple, a guy along with a lady all of a sudden just entered that room)

Lady: "the seventh Hokage!!"

Guy: "not a problem!Inch!

Naruto story 700

Shikamaru: "what exactly is it? Udon, Moegi? We'll soon possess a meeting, we speak later.. "

(The 2 males is Udon and Moegi < ouch so laper read word Udon. ^_^>) Udon: "We can't show it with other towns!!"

Hokage: "Huh, I suppose..Inch

(Yellow-haired Hokage it already mengiranya)


Hokage: "Bolt of acting, right?"

 The scene moved into Sculpture the Hokage)

(Well, it works out the naughty action Bolt mean it had been Doodle statue of Hokage. Statue from the Hokage now filled with scratches catnya.)

Naruto story 700

Bolt: (gelantungan up painting) "old Gran fucking stupid, I personally don't like the Hokage!! Hehe! [Dad can come soon. ..] "


(Really, when Bolt was going to toss the shuriken, his father made an appearance before him as quickly as lightning.)Hokage Naruto: "enough is sufficient, the Bolt!!"

Bolt: "Ah.".

Naruto story 700

Bolt: "it isn't fair, Dad using Shunshin no Jutsu!!"

Naruto: "silence you.. (menjitak Chief's boy) Father would execute an essential meeting, you are immediately worked with this particular all okay.. "

Bolt: "..." (pout)

PAGE 15Bolt: "well, assist me to fix it up. .."

Naruto story 700

(While it's under, the citizens look, which appeared Konohamaru)

Konohamaru: "Aah, Bolt again huh? Why did she get it done with an important day by doing this? "

Iruka: (quarter, behind) "you shouldn't be so upset, his father is definitely busy, he wants to find away out to ensure that her father, realizing her.."Konohamaru: "you had been always kind to him, Iruka-san.".

Iruka stated, "eventually he certainly knows, too, we have to have patience. You Like a kan, Konohamaru. ".
Naruto story 700

Next Page

The Story Of Naruto Shippuden Last Part

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The Story Of Naruto Shippuden Last Part

The First Page
Add caption

#Terimaksih for fifteen years this ...!! The final chapter, Color

#Semuanya begins came from here ...

 The scene was at the Academy the Ninja Konoha

Teacher: "present day lesson has ended faster, be considered a good boy and go back home. Because ... "

Naruto story 700

Child blue dress: "Aburame-sensei, help you!!"

(Also it works out the teacher Academy that appear to be foreign is Shino Aburame)

Child: Yellow Hair (yell) "Yes, it's finally done. Hey everyone ...! " (see below)

Page 2

(Yellow-haired Students it's Naruto, his boy Boruto)

Yellow Hair child: "today I am likely to perform a great naughty action lho! Who may wish to come? "

Naruto story 700

(While it's there certainly one of his female buddies putting on black and Pink-haired bespectacled frequently)

(On top of that there's one child who mengucir her hair within the talks cautioned the kid that yellow-haired)

The kid Resembles Shikamaru: "Bolt, you are stupid huh? Meeting 5 Kage today is going to be locked in our village, and you will see many pads! "

(Yellow-haired Child it's Bolt, which we all know is his boy Naruto)

Bolt: "thus! It is a true Shinobi can perform naughty action without having to be observed by them! It's also wise to join the Shikadai! "

(And also the kucir was named Shikadai, his boy Shikamaru)

Page 3

(There's also yet another children who're fair skinned and blond, like Sai)

Children Like Sai: "it isn't good why, mother stated we three InoShikaChou must learn now."

(Daughter of Sai-like we know named Inojin)

(Then you will find the kids of the body fat brown haired products)

Body fat Kid: "Ahh, sorry, I can not come. I love to opt for Anko-sensei today.. "

Anko: (g) "Chouchou, today we are going to visit the shop, then eat Dango Anmitsu chocolate title) ya .."

(Body fat Boy was named the Chouchou is none other child Chouji)

Chouchou: "let Anko-sensei.".

(Chouchou looks start to leave class)

Inojin: (yell) "Hey, wait you are body fat!"

Chouchou: "what exactly is it? Daaahhhh... " (stored running)

Bolt: "then there's no practice today, you simply come Inojin."

Shikadai: "the Hoax which each of them Exercises boring.".

Inojin: (worrying) "Ufff ... ... ... ..."


 The setting change to the funeral host to

(Visible headstones are written with Neji Hyuga along with a son who place a couple of sprigs of flowers from the sun in to the tomb of Neji's together with Hinata)

Hinata child: "mother, what mother considered Uncle is going to be happy?"

Hinata stated, "obviously, since your title comparable to the title from the flower that you simply provide. .."

(Whether his Sunflowers Language is Himawari satellites)

Himawari satellites: "Hehe, the next time I wish to here with sister.."

 Scene switched to Forest

Lee: "3405!!"

(Lee was seen practicing together with his boy, walking together with his hands while his legs lifted to the top)

Lee: (screaming) "youthful Soul!!"

His boy: (screaming) "youthful Soul!!"


 The scene switches towards the Ninja equipment store

(During his shop, Tenten alone)

Tenten: Huft. ". I possibly could not sell lots of weapons, recently the planet too peaceful/quiet. ".

(Inside it, Tenten also displayed the 2 weapons Rikudo who he is able to throughout world war 2. However, it appears as though a gun that isn't available)

 The scene switches towards the roads of Konoha

(In the pub, looks Bolt inflammed)

Bolt: "Huh, finally nobody wish to come, base cowards all!!"

(Privately, a bespectacled girl inside a class since watching him apparently forms behind the Bolt)

Bespectacled girl: (Look) "..."

Shikadai: "mother, I am home.. Ino's aunt told if my stomach's been famine. ".


 The scene moved into the house of Temari

Shikadai: "Right?" (shock)

(Shikadai shocked because within my family room look no Gaara)Gaara: "Thanks for visiting ..."

Shikadai: "Gaara's Uncle? Uncle stopped? "

Temari: "Shikadai, greet polite.".

Shikadai: (still around the door) "Iyaa.. Kankurou where Uncle? "

(Kankuro who put on jackets using the headdress just all of a sudden appear)

Kankurou: "Gaara, we have gotta go.".

 The scene moved into Kiba

(After which along the side of Kiba, he appeared to moderate together with her partner, the lady the lady who loves to keep your cat. His home is stuffed with felines and dogs Kiba)

Kiba: "This Is The ..."


Kiba: "such is. .. The seventh Hokage stopped. .. by himself.. People state that the smart Crow hides the talons, well.. An excellent Shinobi hide fangs, is not it so, Akamaru? "

Akamaru: (old) "..." (uphold)

My Spouse Kiba: "Hee.".

 Scene gone to live in a location of exercise InoShikaChou

Ino (proven together with her husband, Sai. Then Chouji and the wife, kunoichi from Kumogakure, namely Karui. INO looked angry their children don't come-come)

INO: "they've. .."

Next Page
Minggu, 31 Agustus 2014

Naruto Shipudden 374 Sub Indonesia

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Naruto shipudden akhirnya update juga,tapi agak jauh juga sih loncatnya,maaf ya jarang update soalnya ane masih pemula.

Dan langsung saja ke cerita dimana semua shinobi di lima negara semuanya berkumpul untuk melawan sosok yang sangat legendaris yaitu mayat hidup Uciha Madara yang dibangkitkan dengan edo tensei,namun disisi lain ke empat hokage dari hokage pertama sampai ke empat muncul secara tiba-tiba dan membantu semua shinobi melawan jubi ekor sepuluh milik madara.akankah naruto dan kawan-kawanya mampu bertahan dalam perang shinobi ini?

Silahkan dicomot saja disini videonya:




Selamat menyaksikan.

Kamis, 15 Mei 2014

Naruto Naruto Shippuden eps 362

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Hai sob,buat kalian yang belum nonton Naruto Shippuden eps 362,dari tadi malam ane nemu updateanya nih,langsung comot ajja DISINI.

Di episode ini,ceritanya udah mulai ke medan perang lagi,dimana naruto dan kawan-kawan kembali melawan madara dan sekutunya Uchia obito,akankan mereka semua dapat menghentikan rencana madara yang akan menguasai dunia shinobi dengan tsukiyominya? silahkan didownload ajja gan.